

确戒仁波切诞生于1951年,噶举传承祖师《密勒日巴尊者》闭关圣地之一,「尼泊尔涅香」,仁波切之曾祖父、父亲是当地之地方乡官,父亲是一位咒师修行者(སྔགས་པ།),从小仁波切(校长)已有出家的心愿,但因为是家中独子,父母心愿希望仁波切承继家业,不允许(校长)出家修行,16岁那年母亲往生,为了母亲忌日做荟供回逈,校长从涅香徒步行走了十五天,来到尼泊尔首都(加德满都),一路上越过许多山谷,途中非常艰辛,是校长难忘的经历。17岁时偷偷瞒着父亲进入寺院接受基础佛学教育,19岁从尊贵的第十六世法王噶玛巴《让炯日佩多杰》,领受沙弥戒、菩萨戒与噶举传承之胜乐金刚、金刚亥母、红观音等灌顶圆满得授别解脱戒、菩萨戒与密乘戒。日后亲近弥勒金刚总持 《大司徒仁波切》为主的四大法子和众多善知识,求得众多珍贵灌顶、口传与教授。仁波切(校长)精通西藏文法与经典,对于三所依的兴建、坛城绘制、仪轨唱诵等噶玛噶举一切传承修持,皆通达圆满。


1990年在第三世蒋贡康楚仁波切 《羅卓確吉辛给》的指示下,成立噶玛列些林初级佛学院。 

1997年发起举办第一届噶举辩经大法会,召集印度,尼泊尔多所噶举派佛学院上百学僧,集体辩经一个月。得到法王赞誉:  [辩经法推动了整体佛教的兴盛,是一项了不起的成就 ]


2002年,由尊贵的第十七世大宝法王噶玛巴《邬金钦列多杰》认同喇嘛彭措以凡之身,发宏誓愿,为法为敎,竭尽心力,成此功勛,并赐予噶玛噶举传承「确戒喇嘛仁波切 Choje Lama Rinpoche] 意思是:(法尊上师宝),更加肯定确戒仁波切对噶玛噶举传承的贡献。






20211月开始 KLLI善说林 微信公众号,正式启用,(KLLI善说林)是列些林的义译。


Our Principal

Choje Rinpoche was born, in 1951, at Neshiang, Manang in Nepal, one of the holy places of the Kagyu lineage holder, the Venerable Milarepa. Rinpoche’s great-grandfather and father were both local officials. Rinpoches father was a mantra practitioner. Rinpoche (our Principal) had wanted to become a monk ever since childhood. Not surprisingly, as he was the only boy in the family, his parents wished him to inherit the family business. Therefore they would not permit Rinpoche to become a monk. At the age of 16, when Rinpoches mother passed away, he made puja offerings and dedications for his mother. 

Afterwards, our principal left his home and walked from Neshiang to the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, for 15 days. At that time, the journey was a difficult and an unforgettable experience as Rinpoche had to cross many treacherous valleys. When he was 17, without the approval of his father, he secretly joined a monastery to receive basic Buddhist teachings. At 19, in accordance with the Kagyu lineage tradition, Rinpoche received the novice vows, bodhisattva and tantric vows, and initiations to Chakrasambava, Dorje Naljorma, Red Guanyin, etc., from the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rippei Dorje.  Later, Rinpoche got close to Maitreya Dorje Chang, the Great Situ Rinpoche, and many other spiritual masters. From them he received many precious initiations, oral transmissions and teachings. Rinpoche (our Principal) is proficient in Tibetan grammar, scriptures, all the Karma Kagyu inheritance practices such as the construction of the three reliances, drawing mandalas, and performing nearly all the rituals, etc.


In 1988, Rinpoche completed a three-year and three-month retreat at Dasang, Rinpoches retreat center. In 1990, under the instructions of the third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Lord Choekyi Singi, the Karma Lekshey Ling Junior Monastery was established. In 1997, he initiated and held the first Kagyu Debating Conference, which convened hundreds of monks from many Kagyu Buddhist monasteries in India and Nepal for a month. Its initiator, Rinpoche, was praised by the Dharma King, His Holiness, the Karmapa: ”As debating is the method to promote the wealth of Buddhism as a whole, this event is a remarkable achievement”. Rinpoche started to build a new school, the Karma Lekshey Ling Senior Buddhist Monastery, in 2001 and moved in after its completion in 2002.

In 2002, His Holiness, the seventeenth Karmapa, Ugyen Trinley Dorje, bestowed Rinpoche the title of ’Choje Lama Phuntsok Rinpoche’ a formal acknowledgement of Rinpoches contributions. With the Buddhist manifestation in his mortal body he has been able to accomplish his great wishes – devoting himself wholly to Dharma and teachings. In addition he has been bestowed the title ’Choje Lama Rinpoche’ of the Karma Kagyu lineage, which means: Supreme Dharma Lama Rinpoche also confirming Choje Rinpoches contributions to the Karma Kagyu lineage. 

Taiwan Karma Lekshey Ling Buddhist Society was established in 2005. In 2007, the Karma Lekshey Ling School was founded, a primary school registered and recognised by Nepal’s government, as an affiliate of the Karma Lekshey Ling Monastery at Kathmandu. In 2015, the Hong Kong Karma Lekshey Ling Buddhist Society was established. In 2016, the Bhutan Karma Lekshey Ling School was founded. In 2017, the Karma Lekshey Ling Nunnery was added.


An autobiography written by Choje Rinpoche with the title “The Life Journey of Choje Rinpoche“ has been published in both English and Chinese.   Please contact our Dharma Societies around the world for your copy.